The Superbowl is over, Hoosiers are going home with heads low and New Orleans is lit aflame. I enjoyed the Superbowl game myself and I think Alex may have enjoyed the little part he got to see. I know a one year old can't appreciate anything past screeching toys but the TV was certainly mesmerizing to him for at least a little while.
I finished the dog physics book today and started reading Microserfs again. I read the book when it first came about 15 years ago (I was still in high school) and didn't appreciate much of the pop referenced humor in the book. Now that I've begun my 30's (31 is just a couple weeks away!) I've gained a new appreciation for the book. I found it when Sara and I replaced our aging cheepo Target bookshelves with one from the bare furniture store down the road. It's good to know that the sturdy bookshelf perched in our abode wasn't thrown together with the careless application of dowel rods and press board.
This is all I know this week. Well, that and QED is awesome! Next week... rocks, rocks and more rocks.
Oh yeah, you should also watch Richard Dawkins.
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